College Captain Message
2017 - 2018

“Start where you are, Use what you have, Do what you can “

School is not only an infrastructure but it is a practice for future; the things taught in school are not the education but it is the means of education.

Being the college caption, I Vaibhav Kumar feels a sense of utmost pride, honor and gratitude for this. I want to thank respected founder Chairman Sir and respected Principal ma’am and my respected teachers who firmly believed my abilities and appointed me the college caption, particularly I want to thank some of the teachers who always supported and guided me on this way, first and the foremost, I want to thank my most senior and experienced teacher ma’am Shashi Vishwakarma who always blessed me and motivated me to “Do all things well”.

Secondly, I want to thank Sir D.K. Srivastava, my class teacher and my housemaster. Whatever I am is only because of him, he has played a pivotal role in molding my character from timid and ordinary boy into the present me.

Last but not the least my sincere thanks to Sir Luqman Khan, who always trusted me regarding everything. He was the first one to recognize my potential and abilities from which, even I am unaware of.

I stand here as a College Captain not just to lead but to work in collaboration with all to achieve the best for our school.

I promise to work hard with all my zeal, devotion and determination. I will try my best and work persistently for the excellence of our school.

The College Captain
Vaibhav Kumar (2017-18)

2016 - 2017
2015 - 2016
our facilities